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| Ochrona danych osobowych
The Chamber Gala
The Chamber Great Gala has become a constant position in the region’s calendar of important events. The idea of the Gala as a special occasion for a meeting of members of parliament, government and diplomatic corps, representatives of local and regional authorities with a large number of business people arose in 1994, when the business circles have realized the necessity for the uniting of their environment in the face of Poland’s aspiration for full membership in the European Union.
Since then, the Chamber Great Gala is organized in the first Saturday of September each year, in the most interesting and famous places of Silesia Region. Each meeting gathers about four hundred superb guests from home and abroad.
At the Gala meeting, business people of merit for the Chamber and the economy of the region are honoured with state distinctions or regional prizes. Also certificates of the Chamber honorary membership and the Chamber medals are handed in to the companies in recognition of their achievements in adopting new solutions and technologies for the improvement of natural environment and for other notable achievements.
From 2010, in cooperation with the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship, during the Gala the final of the competition “Marka-Śląskie” is held.