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| Ochrona danych osobowych

19 marca 2021 roku

Webinarium pt. ,,Regulatory barriers to bilateral EU-GCC trade in services"

Zapraszamy na webinarium organizowane przez Komisję Europejską na temat barier w handlu pomiędzy UE i GCC. Webinarium odbędzie się 23 marca br. w godzinach 12:00-13:30. Tematem będzie ,,Save the Date". Poniżej więcej informacji wraz z agendą wydarzenia (w języku angielskim).

At the event, Dr Kerneis will share the outputs and conclusions of study commissioned by the EU-GCC dialogue on Economic Diversification Project entitled ,,Regulatory barriers to bilateral EU-GCC trade in services and recommendations for actions that can be undertaken to enhance trade". The study identifies the advantages of the GCC market and the barriers encountered by European service businesses particularly SME's when entering GCC market and proposes structural legislative and regulatory reforms and bilateral and plurilateral mechanisms which could adress these barriers to assist EU service sector businesses enter the GCC market.


  • 12:00 CET - Event Commences - Intruduction by Mr Douglas Aitkenhead Team Leader of the EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification Project
  • 12:05 CET - Opening remarks by Mr Timo Hammaren, Deputy Head of Unit, DG TRADE European Commision responsible for Trade and investment relations with Russia, Central Asia, Northern Africa and the Middle East
  • 12:15 CET - Presentation on the findings of the report on ,,Regulatory barriers to bilateral EU-GCC trade in services" by Dr Pascal Kernais, Managing Director of the European Services Forum
  • 12:45 CET - Question and Answer session
  • 13:15 CET - Closing remarks by H.E. Mr. Patrick Simonnet, EU Ambassador to Bahrain, Oman, and Saudi Arabia
  • 13:30 CET - Event ends
