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09 marca 2021 roku

INTA webinar – EU trade policy: How can FTAs better deliver for SMEs

Ministerstwo Rozwoju, Pracy i Technologii zaprasza na webinarium organizowane przez Komitet INTA Parlamentu Europejskiego na temat korzyści płynących z porozumień o wolnym handlu dla sektora MŚP, w tym na temat wsparcia internacjonalizacji tych przedsiębiorstw. Webinarium odbędzie się 15 marca br. w godzinach 14:00 - 16:00. Poniżej program w wersji angielskiej.

This webinar discusses how free trade agreements (FTAs) can help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It provides an overview of FTAs with provisions supporting SMEs internationalise. The authors will also discuss the main challenges and concerns for SMEs doing business in third countries and of European SMEs with respect to internationalisation and highlight the corresponding benefits. Finally, initiatives at the EU and national level to support SMEs and a set of recommendations on how to better support them will be discuss.

EU trade policy:
How can FTAsbetter deliver for SMEs -

  • Bernd LANGE (INTA Chair)
  • Frauke De Temmerman (Manager, Deloitte Global Trade Advisory): Benefits of EU Trade Agreements for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Nazareno Braito (Managing Director, Valdani Vicari & Associati): Challenges and concerns for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) doing business in third countries
  • Duy Thanh Huynh-Olesen (Associate Expert, Valdani Vicari & Associati): EU actions to overcome challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Joanna Krzeminska-Vamvaka, HoU,  DG Trade

To participate in the online event, please click on this Webex link: [LINK]
Event Number: 181 213 1103  Password: Pm3XzuakJ72

For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang IGLER (content) - tel: +(32) 2 283 44 73, email:
Balazs REISS (organisation) - tel: +(32) 2 283 20 30, email: